📊 [New data report] How to build a more connected and resilient workforce through change

Get in touch

74% of employees were willing to support organisational change in 2016; today, only 38% say the same


Current change communication methods don't bring employees along the journey with you

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there's no psychological safety

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surveys only tell half the story

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you can't identify your resistors & advocates

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there's no feedback loop

Rungway is the #1 tool to communicate through change

The traditional way

The Rungway

Top down broadcasts Always-on, two-way dialogue
Inaccessible leadership Direct interaction with leadership at scale
Surveys showing a snapshot in time Real-time pulse on your people
Survey fatigue Unprompted, organic bottom-up feedback
Hear mostly from the 'louder voices' Surface a more diverse range of opinions through anonymity
Decisions made based on guesswork Clearly pinpointed areas for focus
Confusion, a disconnect between leaders and employees leading to change resistance People understand the rationale behind change and are more bought in


"Rungway brought us real leadership visibility and the executive team can easily spot emerging issues we use to create and evolve policies."


how to lead your people through change for better & faster outcomes

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React faster to issues with an real-time temperature gauge of your people

Surveys are only showing you how your people feel in relation to certain questions, at one point in time. Rungway is a live platform where your people can ask a question, raise a concern or seek advice at any time in their own words. This allows you to see the real issues going on in your organisation in real-time, and react quickly.

Always-on graph
Leader response layoffs people re-structure

Interact directly with your employees and reach more people

Rungway allows leaders and peers to respond to each other directly and publicly in a way that allows everyone in the organisation to benefit. Leaders who respond to posts from employees receive twice the number of interactions and can reach up to 96% of Rungway users within their business.

Powerful people insights that help you prioritise your next steps

Rungway gathers powerful and unique data on your people. We're able to analyse language, topics and how various cohorts of people behave differently through change. We'll point out not just where resistance to change lies, but who and why, so you have clear follow-up steps that you can action immediately.

Sentiment by group

A fully moderated platform and extension of your comms team

Any sensitive or inappropriate posts will be flagged and routed directly to your leadership team before going live. We're here to guide you through the best form of response, and give you advice on the best approach of how to respond - privately or publicly. 

moderated post

Who is Rungway for?

HR Teams and Internal Comms

Change & Transformation Leads

Leadership and C-Suite

9 Effective Internal Communications Methods in the Workplace

Management Communication: How to Effectively Communicate With Employees Through Change


9 Insights on Change Management From Transformation Leaders

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Start communicating change more effectively