Colleagues of colour receive 46% more responses when they post on Rungway anonymously, then when they reveal their name.

You're not hearing from everyone - and that costs your business

It's not a level playing field
Traditional methods of voicing opinions in meetings, town halls or conferences don't suit everyone. You're hearing from your 'louder' voices whilst others go unlistened to.

You're missing key information
It's likely that your people are only giving the information you've asked for, and so you're not getting crucial intel you really need - like the real concerns people have.

Your leadership are invisible
People often feel disconnected from their leader. Methods like email and top down communication can feel cold and corporate and don't tend to resonate.
Move away from box-ticking exercises and create a genuinely open, inclusive culture with Rungway

Create psychological safety
Psychological safety is where everyone feels they can express themselves without fear of judgement. On Rungway 46% of users are women, but they make up over 56% of the questions. When there's a safe place to talk, different voices come to the surface giving you more ideas, more perspectives and a better understanding of your people.
Humanise leadership
Leaders can directly interact with your people on Rungway at scale. By getting involved in discussions for all to see, the ripple effect is huge - your people feel more connected to leadership, they're more receptive to change inevitable for any business, and you're creating trust and transparency.

Understand the real story
Rungway gives you people insights in abundance. Our team of experts help you to understand the real story so you are equipped with the context you need to come away with a real plan of action delivering high impact.
Get expert guidance on dealing with sensitive topics
Any sensitive or inappropriate posts will be flagged and routed to your leadership team before going live. We're here to guide you through the best form of response, and give you the option of responding privately or publicly.

You're getting a diverse range of opinions which helps you make much better decisions.
If you want people to "bring their whole selves to work" then you need to understand what they're really bringing.
It brought us real leadership visibility and helped create a feeling of community.
When you want to reach out to your staff and be as open as possible, Rungway is the way to do it.
We wanted to build a softer organisation and understand not just what people are feeling, but why.