The State of Inclusivity in the Workplace 2023
Unique insights on how providing psychological safety at work can reveal the gaps between diversity and inclusion
Uncover the people data you don't usually see, from 50,000 Rungway users across the globe
Women are twice as likely to seek connection than men
POsts on the topic of wellbeing have risen by 86% across 2022
people of colour receive 44% more feedback if they use anonymity
"It's not just about speak up culture, it's about listen up."
Julie Chakraverty
Founder at Rungway and youngest female director of a FTSE 100 company in 2012
About Rungway
Rungway is your must-have tool during any business changes. We help you surface a wider range of perspectives, bridge the gap between leadership and employees and communicate authentically at scale - so you can bring your people with you on the journey.