Why traditional methods don't cut it when it comes to employee listening (and what to do instead)
Traditional ways of getting employee feedback have hardly changed in 30 years. Join this webinar to learn how to implement a continuous employee listening strategy that works at scale and reaches frontline and deskless workers.
On-Demand Webinar
How to create a more connected culture through change and uncertainty
Change is unchanging. It’s inevitable that, in 2023, your people are facing into it in one way or another. As business and people leaders, how do you lean into change – leverage it - so that individually and collectively you thrive through it?
On-Demand Webinar
Delivering the 'S' in ESG: Lessons for organisational change on Earth Day
Join us as we talk to HR Director Jane Austin, from the national water retailer Wave Utilities to learn from her experience of creating a new company and a new culture from scratch as part of the original leadership team.
On-Demand Webinar
Why bad is stronger than good: How hard-wired biases can undermine your efforts to create a positive workplace culture
Watch this webinar with Dr Christopher O’Neill, whose decades of clinical psychology work underpin Oxford University’s MYRIAD research project, one of the largest psychological studies in Europe, and Annie Coleman, an expert in corporate culture who has led culture change programmes for major global firms.

Authenticity, Transparency and Inclusivity with Helen Pitcher OBE
In this short video, Helen shares what these important topics mean to her, and provides tips for leaders on how to build the best cultures. Helen reminds us that a key part of genuine authenticity is respect, while on transparency, she cautions against sharing too much information without context, which can have unintended consequences in certain situations.

On-Demand Webinar
The State of Work: How Can Leaders Solve The Engagement Crisis?
The combination of activism, new regulations and generational expectations mean you can no longer rely on outdated management techniques. Watch this webinar where you will learn: What factors are creating an engagement crisis in the workplace and how leading organisations are turning to new technology to confront these challenges.
On-Demand Webinar
Build back better: How inclusion needs to look different in the new workplace
Hybrid working brings many benefits, but we risk tuning out the quieter voices. These are perspectives our organisations need to hear in order to thrive in the new world of work. Following the events of the pandemic, how do we move from pledges to impact, and build truly inclusive and connected cultures?
On-Demand Webinar
Why bad is stronger than good: How hard-wired biases can undermine your efforts to create a positive workplace culture
Watch this webinar with Dr Christopher O’Neill, whose decades of clinical psychology work underpin Oxford University’s MYRIAD research project, one of the largest psychological studies in Europe, and Annie Coleman, an expert in corporate culture who has led culture change programmes for major global firms.

Authenticity, Transparency and Inclusivity with Helen Pitcher OBE
In this short video, Helen shares what these important topics mean to her, and provides tips for leaders on how to build the best cultures. Helen reminds us that a key part of genuine authenticity is respect, while on transparency, she cautions against sharing too much information without context, which can have unintended consequences in certain situations.

On-Demand Webinar
The State of Work: How Can Leaders Solve The Engagement Crisis?
The combination of activism, new regulations and generational expectations mean you can no longer rely on outdated management techniques. Watch this webinar where you will learn: What factors are creating an engagement crisis in the workplace and how leading organisations are turning to new technology to confront these challenges.